Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.

God has created humans and given all that is needed by them. But humans have upgraded their needs to wants. In this course they have created a number of beliefs and attaining them is begun to be considered as the ultimate goal of life. One of them is getting into higher positions in the earliest time possible. For example a person who joins as an ordinary clerk in a bank always dreams of turning into a manager and manager dreams of some other higher positions. Well we are not going to judge that this attitude is right or wrong, but we are going to put some light on an important tip to make these dreams come true. To depict it efficiently, I would like to narrate one of my experiences in my college days.

My Chronicle:          

After completing my intermediate with distinction, I was very excited for the fact that I was going to enter college. The main reason was that nobody was going to judge me on my beard styling. This may be funny but is true. There were many discussions among my classmates in higher secondary school regarding the engineering career. Some claimed that engineering career is easy and some claimed it was not. Some claimed that backlogs are common, whereas others claimed it was not. Some claimed paper presentation (Power point presentation) was difficult.

I heard all of these claims throughout my high school life due to which I went into a mixed opinion about the college life. Even after I entered the college, the teachers whom I took suggestions from also gave me mixed answers about various aspects. Same was the situation with paper presentation. Some teachers suggested that it requires lot of practice, whereas some other claimed that it was not everyone’s cup of tea.

After few months my first opportunity for giving paper presentation has come. I took some suggestions from my English teacher and watched some YouTube videos for reference. After a day full of preparation, I tried my luck in front of whole college the next day. At the first slide, since it was the first time for me, I was a bit nervous. After the second one, I felt confident and continued the track. As soon as the presentation was completed, the whole auditorium was filled with claps and applause. Many of my teachers congratulated me for my presentation.


That day after this instance I understood an important aspect of getting forward in life. This is nothing but the perception towards these aspects that we develop. In the course of life, we come across many people. These people may have different perceptions. The more important aspect is that a dominant perception is somehow injected into these brains. And majority of people percept it as the ultimate truth.

One more common example is the perception towards the subject- M1 (Mathematics 1) of engineering course. Many people percept that the M1 is the most difficult subject, but the truth it is just the perception that has been injected into them. Many students score close to 100% in the same.


I hope that the aspect that I want to illustrate is clear by now. No matter what people around us percept and say about something, we need to conduct research to some extent (at least) and get the right perception towards it. This has following advantages:

1.           1.    We can get better idea about it and can easily go through it

2.      2.  We can be unique at times since our perception, attitude and way of work changes and gets different from other people around us.

            3. We can unleash our talents and capabilities without the constrains of people's attitude towards the aspect and us.

 Thus the perception that we develop plays an important role in which we are dealing with. And it is very important to build this. I personally developed the same attitude about everything that came across me and it worked out very well. I hope this would help you too.

Hope you like this Episode.                                                                                                                         

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  1. Correct perception is most important in every one's life.....hope a good perception towards this blog......from all of us😊


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