Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.

According to some experts, it is crucial to evaluate our self in regular intervals. This will help us know the aspects that we are left behind at.  This process is called Self-evaluation. After knowing this I started to self evaluate, and tried to find out my strengths and weakness. In this due course, I found a drawback which I couldn’t narrate at that movement. To find out the same I have gone through various sources and finally got it. To elucidate what my glitch was, I would like to narrate a story which made my perspective on the glitch clear. I would like to name this story as, “The Falcon on the branch

The Chronicle:

Long ago, there lived a king in India who was very good at administration. He used to maintain great relationships with his neighbor kings and kingdoms. As a result he used to get many gifts as a symbol of friendship from them.

Picture courtesy: Quartz

One day, he got two Peregrine Falcons in form of gift from one of his neighbor. The king was happy with the present and decided to take care of them with utmost care. The very next day he appointed a bird expert to look after both the falcons.

Months passed and one day king got excited to know the update of their training. He called upon the expert and asked the details of the same. The expert elucidated the scenario. He explained that one falcon is very good at training; it is flying high in the sky and doing very well. Whereas, the other falcon has not improved even a bit in this course of few months. It is always seen sitting on a branch. The king felt miserable at this news. He had affection towards these falcons. He was not at all ready to give up.

After some time of thinking, he ordered the minister to find out the solution and a person who could make the situation better. After few days the minister brought a person and continued the training session. Surprisingly, the second falcon started to fly too.

King was happy at this news. He called upon the minister at once and asked who it was behind this. Minister replied that the person he brought was a farmer. The king ordered to call upon the farmer at once. He asked the farmer what he did to make the second falcon fly. The farmer smiled and answered that he had just cut off the branch on which the falcon was sitting. Everyone in the king’s court was surprised at this answer.


The story is simple, so is the answer given by the farmer; but this story has a deep meaning for all of us to understand. The second falcon had all the power and zeal as the other one. But it didn’t show itself up until the branch on which it was sitting was removed. Similar is the case for all of us. Each and every one of us has almost the same energy and zeal to unleash our self. But something is letting us back just as the branch for the falcon. This is nothing but the comfort zone in our lives. Many of us don’t want to be excited, take risk and make life adventurous. All we want is the secured zone in which we feel safe and comfortable. This is what that constrains all of us from unleashing our self to the world over there.

This was the problem for me too. I too never want to take any risks in life. This was the reason I couldn’t make anything bigger (till then). I hope same may be case for many of us too. Thus, through this episode I want to make it clear the importance of coming out of comfort zone to achieve peaks in our life.

Hope you like this Episode.

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NOTE: The narration is inspired from an oration of Gaur Gopal Das



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