Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.

In the process of leading our life, we come across many problems. And it is important to find out the solution of our own.

We already came across our previous episodes one of which elucidates the importance of a mentor in our life. To recall the same in nutshell, a mentor is the one who guides us when we have any doubt or problems in our life and is importantly a well wisher. Have you ever imagined the surroundings can be a mentor for us? Yes, the nature around can be one of the greatest mentor in life.

We can get many leads from the nature around us. This may include animals, trees, weather etc. In this episode we are going to look into some important lessons that we can learn from some animals/creatures around us.

Ants-Strength, community and savings:

Ants are one of the smallest insects we know, but there are many lessons that we can learn from them. Some of them are elucidated below:

1.       Strength:  We all know that ants are tiny creatures, but it is less known fact that ants can lift up to 30 times of its own weight. This teaches us the importance of stating strong.

2.       Staying in a community: Ants always stay in a community. They build city for themselves with separate homes and colonies. This motivates the mankind to be in a community and helps to know the value of it.

3.       The concept of savings: One of the most important qualities of ants is that they work hard to save food in times seasons in trouble. This is one of the most important lessons that we can learn from them. I would say this is the main quality that has made this tiny species live even today without facing the threat of extinction.

Parrot- The way of speech:     


From ages we always consider parrot as a beautiful bird. Despite of various religious objections, even today some people keep parrots in their house and take care of it. One of the main reasons apart from beauty is the way it speaks. Parrots are considered as one among the natural mimicry artists. This makes this bird more attractive.

There was a recent instance where a pet parrot unknowingly flew away from a house in Europe and came back after years speaking French. There are many such untold chronicles of this beautiful bird. 

Apart from all these cosmetic attractions, there is something that we can learn from this bird. What is that? The speech. This bird whatever it speaks (or tries to) always speaks gently and sweetly. This is probably one of the main reasons why people love it. In the same way when a person learns to speak gently and sweetly, people tend to love the person more. 

Goat-The way to consume food:

Among various herbivorous animals around us, whenever we get a chance to represent herbivorous animal in the food chain, most ofus tend to mention the name of goat. Goat is basically is animal of fear. Most of the non-vegetarian people may feel water in their mouth by hearing the word “Goat”. It is because these people feel it to be one of the most delicious foods in the world.

Despite of all these perceptions, there is something important to learn from this animal. You may wonder what that was. This is the way to consume its food. When we observe the way it eats carefully, we see that it plucks out leaves very fast and chews it thoroughly. No matter what is the situation, it never lets itself back to chew the food it has to consume. Thus, we get to learn about chewing our food very well before we consume from this creature.

There is something we need to learn in parallel. IT is equally important to enjoy the taste of the food while we consume it. Many gurus have insisted that the six tastes of food represent six different emotions of life. Therefore consuming all types of tastes would make us ready for all six types of emotion in our life.


Whenever we hear to the word elephant, we instantly remember the giant structure eating sugarcane and grass. In India, Elephant is considered as Lord Ganesh. Despite of all these considerations and perceptions, we forgot to notice one of its good habits in its daily life.

Whenever we see a elephant or a group of elephants in a river or a lake, they wash themselves for hours sometimes. It is not that they love water but want to clean themselves thoroughly.

This is what we need to learn from them. In this modern world of rat races, everyone is in hurry to get to office early despite of getting up late. In this process, many of these people forget to bath, or even they bath they just shower few mugs of water in hurry. This is what called as wrong process. It is always suggested to bath thoroughly cleaning each and every part of our body ensuring cleanliness.


Among the creatures we hate, crow is one of the prominent one. This is the bird, which is often evident everywhere around us. We hate these birds due to number of reasons. These may be:

1.       1.They are not that visually attractive

2.       2. They voice is very harsh

3.      3.  They feed one almost everything (Like raw meat etc.)

4.       4. Religiously in Hinduism it is considered as the vehicle of Lord Shani thus is kept aside.

Despite of all these perceptions, this abandoned bird has a very good habit. Crows no matter what extent they are willing to do, they never mate in public places. A male crow takes the female crow to deep forests into a bark of a silent tree to mate. This is the fact that we need to learn from crows. In this modern world of all open adult movies and trends, kissing in public is treated as a new trend, but a person should have consciousness what needs to and what is not to be done in public. This is the fact that a bird like crows helps us learn.  

 Not only from these creatures there are many other creatures around us in this world from which we can learn lots of life lessons. I have tried some and hope will be helpful to you. After such a long episode there is a question. Why should we learn from nature? The answer is very simple. Nature is always considered as the symbol of peace, whenever a person wants peace, he (she) can just dive into nature and immediately find peace. IN the same way learning from these parts of nature can bring us the ultimate peace in mind and body.

I got an interesting question at this point. We have discussed qualities of some creatures. All these creatures have one or two qualities that are actually useful,  why should we learn them all as a whole? The question seems to be logical enough and the answer too is. Human being is the only rational animal in the world who can upgrade regularly. Therefore it seems valid for all of us to learn from creatures no matter one they possess one or few qualities in one.

Hope you like this Episode.

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