Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.

Friends are typical people in our life. They are the ones who can change the lives to the other side in no time. Thus it is said that a good friend is equal to a hundred books. I also have a bunch of good friends. All of my friends are good at one or other duties and work. There is a friend who is a typical logic seeker behind everything. Once, we were in a deep conversation and suddenly there came a topic about studies. I was pursuing post graduation then, and he asked me the reason behind it. I was surprised and answered post graduation is definitely good. He smiled and replied, try to analyze the reason behind it, or else the aspects that I was learning would go in vein.

This was one of the aspects that made me think for some time. I always thought that education is the helping aspect of our life. This was actually true, but I couldn’t answer his question. I was wondering for some time about the reason behind this. After long time of thinking and research I found the relative answer about the same. Before we could look into the answer, let us know some terms and their meanings.


It is interpreted in many aspects, but as far as we are considered, we would deal it in traditional method only. Basically, knowledge implies the facts and information about something. Having knowledge related to particular task not only means that the person knows how to do it, but also aware of the pros and cons and glitches that arise during the task.


By definition, it is the way of acquiring knowledge or skills from lectures, experience or any other method. The definition is true theoretically. But it is not absolutely true in the practical sense. Let us look into this aspect in coming lines.

Learning and Knowledge:

After knowing the basic idea of what learning and knowledge is, it is quite common to percept that the two concepts are the same. But it is not. These two aspects are no doubt related, but are not same. Learning is the process of knowing something. Whereas, knowledge implies the idea that the person has.  If we claim that a person has knowledge about something after learning it, then it is not valid. Why? We need to understand that learning something gives the idea of how it goes on. But to get knowledge on something, we need to have experience of the same.

Now the question is how can we get the experience? The answer is performing the learned task. This sounds common and simple but this is the aspect that many people fail to consider.

 Many students who have completed their graduation in distinction fail to get jobs because they lack experience. There is a misconception that experience required by the recruiting companies is the work experience (in case of fresher hiring). But the underlying fact is that the company needs the candidate to have knowledge prior to joining them. This is the reason why some of the average students get recruited earlier easily. It is because they have some practical experience along with academics.

Thus it is very important for students to note that having knowledge in respective departments is important. In technical terms, it is commonly referred to as the required skill sets. This is what implicitly my friend has asked me. Since he was a logical person, he wanted to know the reason behind pursuing the so called post graduation and where was it practically implemented.  

 I hope this episode has been successful in establishing the difference between Learning and knowledge. It is rightly said that learning about the path is not important, but walking in that is. It is quite common that people may not get a good mentor to suggest the appropriate requirements at perfect age. I understood the difference but in the latter stage. But I hope this episode would help students reading this in getting better chance of building their carrier.  

Hope you like this Episode.

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