Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.

 Right in the morning I was surfing through internet. There was an offer on air conditioners in some renowned websites. I wanted to find out the reason behind it. Soon I found it to be the business strategy of the website. Since it was winter, there is no one interested to buy an Air conditioner, thus they offered discounts on them. Looking at air conditioner and its utility, I remembered an instance happened few months ago. I would like to elucidate this in the coming lines.

My Chronicle:

Few months ago, it was the time of peak summer. I was about to leave to home from our plant. It was too hot and we all were sweating as hell. I was dying hard to get home soon and switch on the air conditioner. I was habituated to air conditioner from quite a good amount of time. Not only me but other partners were also probably thinking the same. At that very moment I heard the sound of some people talking nearby. They were none other than the labor of our plant. I subconsciously heard over the talks of them.

I was surprised at the way they were dealing with life. We, the partners of the firm are thinking to visit home for chilled air from air conditioners, whereas these people who reside on the daily wages from the firm are talking about how to spend rest of their day. One of them was happy to taste food cooked by his wife as soon as he reaches home. Other one is happy about fact that he was going to spend some time with family at movie. Whereas the other two were talking about sitting in the evening.

There was a reason behind why I felt so. I have not heard anything about the hot weather out there from either of their mouth. They were Happy about other things of life.


The conversation between these people really made into the thought that day. There no aroma of sadness of not having anything in their hearts.

I was just thinking about the comforts I have. No doubt it is an awesome feeling when we suddenly sit in an air conditioned room after wear and tear at the work place. But it is not the ultimate happiness.  How? This feeling does not reside in me after some time. After some time when we feel cool enough, we no more want that (air conditioner) in our room. Moreover, in case air conditioner damages, it is very difficult for a person like me to stay in hot summers.

But this was not the case for those people. They were happy for pure and natural things that are present in their hand.  They never expected for an air conditioner or any other luxuries in their life. At that moment I felt they have the purest form of life ever.

I had no such clarity until I came across a video of a famous orator. This was the video in which he elucidated the true happiness in life.  According to him, true way of life is building and knowing you and not owning luxuries. And it can be done by valuing the right things in life that is valuing things that makes us happy rather than things that brings us comfort.

To be practical, no person in this world lives to know his (her) being. Everyone wants riches, every one strives to develop financially and own luxuries. But there was one aspect that I got convinced from the video. This was- there was a difference between Happiness and comfort which many of us fail to differentiate.

There is a vast difference between happiness and comfort. Happiness is characterized in such a way that the people around you also feel favored about the same. Whereas, in case of comfort, it only and only is confined to self. We can make it clear by a small example. Say there are two partners working together in an owned firm. One of them is smart and other is not. Taking advantage of this, the smarter one gets the other one to go for harder work whenever possible. This brings comfort to the smarter partner. If the firm gets profit, both the partners are contended at the profits they got. This is happiness. Thus it is very clear that Happiness is always favorable to self as well as the people around, whereas comfort is not always favorable to other person. Moreover in long term, comfort can bring forward many problems.

Therefore, by this time, I hope I have made it clear what I want to express to you all. It is always an important factor in life to remember- Happiness and Comfort are two different aspects. One should be mature enough to know the difference between them and act accordingly in various steps of life. It is rightly said that every question has an answer. I have found mine, and I hope this episode will find it for you too.

Hope you like this Episode.

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  1. đź‘Ťall of us need happiness in life rather than comfort....


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