Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.

Relationships are simple as well as complicated at the same time. It completely depends on the perspective and the situations that the people are going through. Despite of various instances, suggestions from experts and past experiences people face problems in maintaining relationships with people around them. This is the episode where we will be looking at an aspect of relationships.

The Chronicle:

There was a guy called Ram. He belonged to a lower middle class family. His father was ordinary employee who earns below adequate finance a month. He has 2 siblings. During his student life he always saw the financial problems in his family. Whatever may be the complexity that rose, it was directly or indirectly related to money. This perspective he developed had changed the way he looked at the world. Despite of only aiming for god education, he aimed for good finance in his life.

As expected and planned, after perusing graduation, he was successful in attaining a sound job in Canada. Soon he left to Canada for his job. As he planned, he worked hard and earned lakhs of rupees. As a responsible son of the family, he used to send some amount to his home too.

In few years, he felt everything was set right. All the people around him changed due to change in demography. On the other hand, whenever he returned India, every one greeted him with smile and respect. This made him happiest in his life. But things gradually changed. He got acquainted to these sorts of sweet and respectful greetings and so called fake people around him.

 On the eve of Sankranthi, he planned to come home to meet his family. As planned, he returned India with lots of gifts to every member of the family. He was welcomed by his family members with love and smile, he felt happy at that visual. Days went on and the routine in the family turned normal. Everyone in the family got engaged in their work. Mother was busy with cooking, siblings were off to college and father was busy with his stuff.

In this scenario, Ram felt separated. In the recent times after he got recruited in Canada, he was almost always surrounded with smiling, caring and fake people. He felt a bit embarrassed at the scenario. But he didn’t let it out for that time. In that evening, there was some dispute in the home between the family members. Ram had to interfere as he was a responsible son in the house. In the course of this discussion, his mother asked him to leave and stop taking stress as he knows nothing about the background of the discussion.  

Ram was outraged at once at this point. He was already disturbed by the fact that he felt separated, this statement of mother made him burst at once. He shouted at all that the family members are of low class, he doesn’t belong here anymore, and he went into his room. The entire family was hurtled at his behavior. All other members forgot about the topic and began to think about his behavior.

This was not all, similar small and big instances began to happen and gradually Ram tried to keep away from his family.


This story is definitely half way similar to many of the candidates leaving off to foreign countries in search of job. But the narration that comes later is unique and is confined to some people in this category only.  Ram was a personally good person. He was a good son and a student too. By the situations he came across, his perspective completely shifted to money only. This was not bad if we centre it as whole. But the real matter of concern began to happen later. When he began to earn lots of money, the number of people around him began to grow. Everyone was good to him because of his money and not for him. This is what Ram has not realized. He began accept these people as the perfect people in life.

There was another aspect that is more disturbing here. No matter he has earned lots of money some aspects do not change at all- Our likes and dislikes, our interests, our family and their attitude towards us etc. These attributes are always same no matter how high he turned up in life. The same mother when scolded Ram in his childhood had made no change in him. Whereas when he turned up rich, the same attitude towards him outraged him. Let us understand the depth in this aspect. He has changed himself in certain aspects. This is the Frame of Mind we are looking into in this episode.


The case of Ram is typical and I’m sure similar instance may have happen around us. When we analyze what was the fault, definitely it is Ram who has misinterpreted the scenario. It is quite important to learn in life that is very important to stay grounded no matter what heights we have attained. No matter how successful we are, our relations should never be changed. Beautiful relations like family, friends, teachers, etc. always remain same in our entire life no matter what the financial position of them is. Moreover, the attitude of them towards you never changes too. The friend who used to call, “Hey, Buddy!” will never call us “Sir!” when we get rich. If it changes then it is not the true relation. This is where some people fail to interpret. People should never have such frame of mind when they attain riches.

Once there was a discussion in a court of a king regarding the powers and responsibilities of a typical saint. Some people argued that if a person is turned to a saint, then he need not respect his parents. But the truth is no matter any one become a saint, he should respect his parents, because it is law of our culture. Similar is the case of other relations too. Thus it is nothing but foolishness to expect respect from these people when our status changes.

I hope I’m successful in establishing the Frame of mind of some people. It is important to take care we don’t get into this attitude in future. I hope this narration would turn eye opener to appropriate people in living a better life.

Hope you like this Episode.                                                                                                                         

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