Hi friends and welcome to Life Lessons.

Someone has rightly said Life is full of ups and downs. No matter what may be the life style of an individual, he (she) will have to see ups and downs of life. This attribute of life is known to almost everyone in this world. Still, many people have problems with their life. This was query that rose in my mind long ago. In this episode, let us look into the depth of this question and its appropriate answer.

My Chronicle:

Almost a decade ago, when I was about to give board examinations, I was very nervous. That was the first public board exam in my life and despite of lots of preparation, I was nervous of answering the questions. On that day, at that very moment, the thought I had from the childhood flashed. Right from the age I could speak and understand surroundings, I always thought that adults are very happy beings compared to children. It was because adults have no responsibilities of studying and writing exams like that of children (students). Not only me but almost all of us may have felt the same when we were of young age.


I grew up in midst of the same perception. I came through graduation and also post-graduation with the same perception. When I entered into the society, this entire perception has changed. The moment I got exposed to the environment around me and the moment I started dealing with people and organizations, things grew more and more complicated. With in no time I felt that student life was a better and happier one. I remembered the days I used to enjoy after completing the examinations.  I badly missed my childhood. I hope almost all of us have passed through this phase.


The perceptions that I stated above is quite common among many of us. But the important question is the truth behind it. Which perception was the right one- one in childhood or one as adult? This question ran in my mind for some time.

This was question in me until I went through some speeches of well known orators. It is rightly said that there is answer for every question. The thing that matters is how we find it. When we keenly observe both the perceptions, we see that these perceptions have changed when we changed our perspective. I mean when we were young we thought on the side of young only and not adult and vice versa. So implicitly our perspective would be right for our age. But surprisingly both the perceptions are wrong. How? Have a look on following lines.

Whenever we look at others, we only look at some aspects and not the entire portfolio of them, whereas we look at the problems/drawbacks of ourselves. Let us consider the chronicle I elucidated above. As a child/student, we look at only certain aspects of adults like they are independent compared to us, they maintain and access credit and debit cards, their decisions are valued etc. but when we grow up as adults, we leave off all these aspects that we noticed as a child. We now only focus on the glitches as an adult.

Now the question is when is the happiest phase of our life?

In the basic and broader sense there is never a happy and a sad moment for a person in his (her) life. It only depends on the perception of the person towards the situation. For example: If a person thinks that with promotion in job, responsibilities increase, then he (she) is negative thinker and feels that the moment is a sad one. On the other hand, if a person interprets that there would be increase in pay scale with promotion, and then he (she) is a positive thinker and thus feels the moment to be a happy one. Thus it is the perception of the person that actually determines whether the phase is a happy one or not.


There is a famous saying in Telugu, ”The person who has jaundice sees the world in the yellow tone”. Thus it is important to concentrate upon our perception on the situation we are going through.  We can also describe this in another way- we should learn Accepting Life as it is. There should always be an important postulate to remember- If we are not ready to accept small things in life, we would never be ready to accept big aspects like death. This reason people feel tensed and bring death early. Thus it is vital to accept life. This could be the greatest weapon to lead a Happy Life. I hope the above lines would make this aspect clear. This attitude helped me and hope would help you too.

Hope you like this Episode.

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