Hello friends and welcome to my blog. This blog is going to be very different from previous one(s). Today we are going to shed light on our Vedas and other ancient scriptures. Its going to be very basic and I will try to be clear to the best of my knowledge. Before we start, let's understand SAMHITA is nothing but another name of Veda.

I suspect you may have some questions in your mind as of now. First, if you feel boring with regard to such topics, let me make clear that I'm not going to go deep into them. I only want to make out their importance clear. Secondly,  if you ask me what do these have to do with our life and life lessons, then your answer will be cleared in coming lines.

No matter what percentage of this generation is aware, it is a fact that every required guidence we need in our life is actually available at some corner of these ancient scriptures. 

I know this statement is very basic and boring, even many religeous gurus have mentioned the same. We are in developed world, and we need proofs for everything to believe. So was I a few years ago. 

But many examples and instances have actually changed my perception. I will share some instances to make you feel confident too. 

I hope you are aware of the Bhogal gas tragedy occured in April, 1985. This tragedy created havoc and was a critical issue in those days. Many people, officially 3787 were dead due to atomic radiation. 

But there was a family who won over the tragedy with ease like a hero in commercial films. How did they survive? what did they do? Let's check out.

There was a family known as Kuswaha in Bhopal. They have been claimed to be residing in Bhopal since 1920. They were good devotees and followed various cultural customs.

During the time of Bhopal tragedy, when people outside running here and there out of fear. This family bravely made a decision to fight the situation. They arranged the particulars for performing Agnihotra in their home. They started performing Agnihotra especially with ghee in homagunda(fire). 

To the result, they actually survived the disaster. And probably they were the only family survived.

They believed in all facts of ancient scripts, and were aware that Agnihotra would be the solution. This was published as an article in a Prominent newspaper.

So to the people who need authentication for the instance, here is your answer. The science of agnihotra is very interesting. The fumes that releases during Agnihotra neutralises atomic reaction around you. This was later proved by a Russian scientist.

Kushwaha family no matter were aware of the scientific reason of this or not, at the end of the day won over the situation. 

When we focus on our origin, scientifically we know that humans exist from thousands of years. And those days when the climate on earth was not that stable due to frequent disasters like volcanic eruptions, earthquakes etc, they researched and found out various solutions.And for the reference and use of future generations, they handed over to us in the form of these Vedas and scriptures.

Therefore it is our responsibility to respect them.

I feel the above instance would be a good enough for us to know the importance of these teachings of our gurus.

Hope you like my blog.

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