Hi friends, this is Ajitesh Ippili. I know that I am completely new to blog writing but I am sure that I am not new to the pain of experiences in life. In this series of blogs that I am going to write and, some of the vital experience(s) that I have faced in my life. Not only my experiences but also the lessons that I learned  from it.   

So the question in your mind would be- what are you going to learn in these Life lessons?, what is the point that you are going to gain from these set of blogs. Well the answer is simple as well as complicated at the same time. It is because the topic answers your question that what is this all about,  but as far as the life of a person is considered I must say that it no matter what the person is in his or her life, it is not at all simple, rather  it is very very complex.  I would be  sharing my real-life experience with you all,  and also will elucidate the lessons that I learned  from them.  I am confident that there are many people who are going to get  a chance to improve themselves and I believe my blog may help them towards such improvement.

         If you are below 18years, don't conclude that Life lessons is a mature content and is not suitable to you. Because, Life implies the time span between Birth and Death, and you are somewhere between them. Thus, this series suits every person of any age group.

I would like to invite you to the journey which is actually going to change your life.  When I am saying this I am very very confident because the lessons that I learned have changed my life in some or other way, at least the perception that I have towards my environment. 

With best regards from your friend-

Ajitesh Ippili
